Selamat datang ke Bushi Ron Sdn Bhd
Pengeluar Bonito Flakes segar pertama di Malaysia yang diiktiraf HALAL oleh JAKIM!
Welcome to Bushi Ron Sdn Bhd
The first ever Malaysian Manufacturers of Freshly Shaved Bonito Flakes that are HALAL Certified by JAKIM
Bonito flakes kami dibuat menggunakan ikan tuna yang berkualiti tinggi di kilang kami
di Taman Perindustrian Teknologi Tinggi Subang (Subang Hi-Tech), Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Our Bonito Flakes are made from tuna (Skipjack Tuna) that we produce in our factory located in Taman Perindustrian Teknologi Tinggi Subang (Subang Hi-Tech), Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Ramuan kami adalah 100% ikan tuna skipjack yang disalai dan dikeringkan. Tiada bahan perasa, pengawet, atau apa-apa bahan tambahan. Dijamin sedap dan berkhasiat, setanding bonito flakes yang diimport dari Jepun, bahkan lebih sedap lagi!
The only ingredient used is 100% Skipjack Tuna that is Smoked & Dried. There are no flavour enhancers, additives, preservatives, or any other added ingredients or materials. Our Bonito Flakes guarantee good taste and are highly nutritious. The quality of the bonito flakes can be compared to (or even better than) the ones that are imported from Japan.
Aroma bonito flakes kami segar dan rasanya yang sedap akan menjadikan masakan anda lebih istimewa dan lagi UMAMI.
The aroma of our Bonito Flakes is fresh and the delicious taste of it will make your cooking even more special and more UMAMI
Faedah-Faedah / Benefits:
1) Boleh digunakan untuk buat sup dashi, topping nasi/mi goreng, bahan perapan untuk ikan dan sayuran,
serta banyak lagi!
1) Can be used to make dashi, topping for nasi / mi goreng, marinade for fish and vegetable dishes, and many more!
2) Produk kami telah digunakan pelbagai restoran, peniaga takoyaki, dan terbukti dapat menambah hasil jualan mereka!
Bahan berkualiti = Rasa sedap = Pelanggan bertambah = Perniagaan lebih untung
2) Our product has been used by restaurants and Takoyaki Businesses and have proven to generate more sales for them
Quality Materials = Good Taste = More Customers = More Profits for Business
PERHATIAN: Sila pasti Paket Bonito Flakes disimpan di dalam peti sejuk selepas dibuka untuk kekalkan aroma dan rasa.
ATTENTION: Please ensure the Bonito Flake packets are kept in the fridge/freezer after opening to preserve the aroma and taste
Product Description:
Product: Bonito Flakes (Japan Quality)
Weight: 500g (Net weight)
Halal Certified: Yes (by Malaysia's JAKIM / JAIS)
Pet Friendly: Yes - Tested with fish, dogs, and cats
Uses: Make Dashi, Toppings for Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki, nasi goreng, mi goreng, and rice, to make any dish taste more umami, and add more protein and healthy fat to your diet
Nutrition Facts (per 100g):
Calories: 333g
Carbs: 1g
Protein: 77g
Fats: 3g
Sodium: 267mg
Goes well with Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki - Proven and tested by many Malaysian Takoyaki sellers!
Make Dashi and Miso soup and add it to your rice and noodle dish to give it a strong umami taste! Taste exactly how it is in Japan!
Give us a call or text (via Whatsapp) at 6010-232 8200 if you have any enquiries.
Thank you.